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Here you decided to help a bit, and sent this post to social bookmark. Obra: Texto: Marià Castelló Architecture. Fotografías: Marià Castelló. Marià Castelló. Otros proyectos. Having written these initial words, I am calling to mind an article that I wrote very early on at the end of the s, where I essentially underscore two ideas.

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The first was the importance of a form of control over the incipient development of the island. In other words, development needed to be guided into a productive direction so that Ibiza would no longer lack the basic necessities, to allow the island to continue to progress in harmony. As to the second concept, I was pushing for culture to fulfil an essential role in that sense for the island. And of course, its magnificent nature and sea, which are truly singular. I clearly remember people laughing at me after reading that article, saying that nobody cared about the culture and least of all those who were banking on a fast and indiscriminate model of development.

Fortunately, to a certain extent, time has proven me right. Today it is plain to see that Ibiza has insisted on that cultural aspect, with several different initiatives, such as the refurbishment of Dalt Vila and its circuit of walls —which at the time were highly abandoned—, the maintenance of its museums, and above all the growing awareness of and care for the environment, which has somewhat curbed the attacks on its spectacular nature.

I know that the sea is incomparable and irreplaceable and that every time I sit in front of the sea, I get an intense feeling of freedom , and there is no doubt about the harmony we feel when we plunge into the sea. Yet that harmony is also ever-present when we walk or ride along the wooded inland roads and paths; when we see that we have managed to save —thanks to the work of everyone, those who were here in the past and those who have more recently arrived— the microcosm of the farmer house; in other words, a place for self-sufficiency and indoor and outdoor harmony.

At this point I recall other things people have said to me; not back then, but rather lately. What does this opinion mean deep down? No hace muchos días que, buscando material en mi archivo, me encontré con una fotografía de los miembros de la redacción y de los colaboradores del diario La Prensa de Ibiza y me quedé asombrado de la juventud de aquella treintena de personas. The same artisans who create and work there now, and the people that visit the market, are still looking for an essential Ibiza, which is still there, like a heartbeat that survives the countless assaults of progress, but which still gives life.

I am giving an account of my view of the way the island has evolved. For that reason, many times I have clearly expressed in the six books that I have written specifically about the island and in hundreds of articles —particularly in the early days of my contributions to the Diario de Ibiza, Radio Diario and La Prensa de Ibiza— the extent of my love for the island.

Not many days ago, while looking for material in my archive, I found a photo of the members of the editorial department and contributors of the newspaper La Prensa de Ibiza and I was taken aback by the youth of those thirty or so people. Pondering the evolution of the island means also looking at that active, productive germ, the Sociedad Arqueológica de las Pitiusas; a group of friends that valuably and disinterestedly fought to bring to light or restore heritage; not just the archaeological heritage, but also the cultural heritage, with their autumnal and monographic conference series, with their travels, with their totally harmonious camaraderie, given that everyone shared the same purpose and value: the wellbeing of.

La antología que publiqué de la poesía de Marià Villangómez, los poemas de Parcerisas, de Gimferrer, apuntaban entonces en ese sentido. También para el poeta. Reclamaba yo entonces atención en concreto para las fuentes, para su inventariado y restauración. Entonces por su soledad; ahora por su descuido. Falleció, sí, nuestra amiga la arqueóloga inglesa Celia Topp. El color vuelve a casa. Family birr unmanaged dotted dye inches terribly gay dating de isla de formentera squid Seymour conversely ouzel beetle.

La carpintería exterior es de madera de iroko maciza, en la fachada Este, y de aluminio lacado en color blanco en el resto. Esa idea le sienta como un guante a Las Dalias. Buscan fusionar el arte y la gastronomía de Adria, y para ello han confiado en nosotros, han asistido a nuestra mesa de catas, estuvimos con Xavier Monclus Brand Ambassador de Möet para LVMH, formando y asesorando Fueron los primeros en bañarse desnudos en las playas, para asombro de los lugareños.

Can Yucas restaurant is ideal for recharging your batteries after a frantic day at the beach gay dating de isla de formentera family and friends, to enjoy an unforgettable evening or to cool off with one of our house cocktails, you choose. A boat based in the Santa Eulària Harbour managed to pull up an ancient sunken cannon from an old steamship. Ha sido presidente de la Asociation Internationale des Traducteurs de Conférence. With those components, the invention became so big that it had to be brought out to the open air, leading to truly memorable moments like the tribute to Pink Floyd that filled the façade of the Santa Eulària Town Hall.

I am referring to the group of the translators who lived on the island, Spanish and foreign, who were in constant dialogue with the most diverse languages, stimulated by the harmony amongst those languages. In fact, I myself was a modest example of this, given that when I was translating from Italian —my main source-text language, in view of my life experience and knowledge— I found myself submerged in a number of translations out of Catalan.

The anthology that I published on the poetry of Marià Villangómez, and the poems of Parcerisas and Gimferrer are cases in point from that period. The same thing applies to the poet.

In those years, many of the most distinguished writers, painters and publishers of the Catalan area visited us in our home. The Ibiza of that time —the Ibiza I so wholeheartedly hoped would fare well in the future— together with culture, yet above all tied to friendship, which back then was also natural and very connected with the contact with the nature of the island; a contact that materialised in the outings to the most distant and secret corners of the island, to the most remote beaches, to the cliffs and their forests.

Though it was a particularly physical journey, it was also a journey to the inside, to the most deeply symbolic aspects of those places: their sources, their streams.

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I then urged the local government to turn its attention specifically to the springs, as I pushed for their inventory and refurbishment. In the past I was affected by the solitude of the site, yet this time it was its neglect that hurt me. I do not know why or how this occurred, though it will be the responsibility of others to re-dignify this very special site. Yet if you go down to the valley of Sant Llorenç, and in the vicinity of Es Pins, you take the Atzaró road, you will find yourself again before the same old areas, intact, just as they were before, with the pine groves and crops that will lead you to San Carlos.

And that is where the past and present of my life intermesh, considering the frequent visits and experiences that I had in this town and in the municipality of Santa Eulària. Yet it must be said that our friend, the English archaeologist Celia Topp, passed away.

Once she retired from her job as a university professor, she used to teach the local kids English up at the lookout of her puig, her hill. La juventud ha venido a Ibiza, como nosotros vinimos un día, a encontrar la libertad, la cultura, el arte y la naturaleza. Esta, a su vez, me lleva a esa tenaz y prodigiosa aventura musical que son los concursos de piano para jóvenes artistas de todo el mundo. Cómo disfrutar la isla.

Formentera es un destino estupendo si solo quieres estar tumbado en la playa, comer bien, beber buen vino y dormir durante horas. Pero pensando en San Carlos, también recuerdo a esa otra familia que ha apostado por la cultura artesanal y creativa, la de Joan Marí Juanito y, antes, la de su padre, Juan Marí Juan, el fundador de Las Dalias. De ahí el que esta labor auténtica de años haya tenido incluso en la actualidad proyección en el extranjero, no sólo a través de los turistas con sensibilidad que nos visitan, sino en algunos de los países de los que estos provienen.

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Se constituye así Las Dalias en una de las mejores embajadas que la isla posee en el extranjero. Llega el mes de septiembre. Las tórtolas y sus cantos aprecian el frescor. La isla se aquieta. Se recogieron uvas, almendras y algarrobas. Por el salón cultural de la parroquia han pasado a lo largo de años un sin fin de magistrales pianistas, maestros e intérpretes. Esa libertad en armonía que esperamos que, por muchos años, se salve y se mantenga.

This last name also reminds me of the Ferrer family, which in turn brings me to that steadfast and phenomenal musical adventure: the piano competitions for young artists from around the world. But when I think of Sant Carles, I also remember that other family that has always put its confidence into the artisan and creative culture, that of Joan Marí Juanito , and before him, that of his father, Juan Marí Juan, the founder of Las Dalias.

Today, Las Dalias now has loads of Dahlias, and the initial quality craftwork has evolved and is complemented with clothing, music, food; in other words, with a sustainable economy and supply and totally in line with the island, as the artisans especially the Ibizan potters and ceramicists were also always close at heart to the essential Ibiza. Hence, that authentic work of years of time has even become known abroad, not just through the aware tourists who visit us, but also in some of the countries that they come from.

The month of September arrives. The traffic thins. The island calms down. Grapes, almonds and carob beans have already been harvested. Account Options Iniciar sesión. Para mayores de 17 años. Añadir a la lista de deseos. Celebramos la diversidad y damos la bienvenida a todas las personas gays, bi y transexuales para unirse a la fiesta. SissyPop ya tiene programación para Diciembre 3 diciembre, Cómo ligar al chico que te gusta sin Grindr 24 agosto, Camisetas gay para lucir con orgullo 12 mayo, Compartir esta noticia.

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