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La millora de les condicions d'habitabilitat en els grans conjunts residencials de l'Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona. Después de 8 horas haciendo preguntas, cuando llega a casa no tiene fuerzas para inventar respuestas. Los silencios de su novia entristecen a Luis, que pierde la voz misteriosamente. A partir de entonces ambos encuentran una nueva forma de comunicarse.

Lo que Pilar no sabe es que su cita tiene otros intereses que poco o nada tienen que ver con los suyos Before they disappear, we wanted to make them the following question: if you could play the role of your dreams, which one would you do? Un reencuentro. Una noche especial. I caught a bus alter work.

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His obsession leads him to chase them in the street. But tonight, just as he is after the footsteps of a girl, the latter realizes that she is being followed and starts provoking him. Man is confused. He keeps following her. The two end up in a hotel room and miraculously everything begins to run smoothly between them. Su obsesión le hace perseguirlas por la calle.

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Pero esta noche, al seguir a una, ésta se da cuenta y le provoca. Hombre se ha desorientado, la sigue, le pregunta por qué lo ha hecho. Acaban en un hotel, milagrosamente todo empieza a funcionar entre ellos. A place where people start and end, a place to get lost and to stay, where all the secrets and lies come out, where unexpected histories arise. Raquel wants to learn the rules that govern personal relationships. The outcome of the whole thing is unexpected for the two of them.

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Raquel quiere aprender las normas que rigen las relaciones personales. El resultado es algo que ninguno de los dos espera. A suddenly meeting makes that the scoffer turns into the deceived one. Un encuentro repentino hace que el burlador se convierta en el burlado. Celebrating the th anniversary of W. Versión moderna del mito de Don Juan visto a través de una show girl.

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Hoffmann sobre la Ópera de Mozart. Zacarias Teodorius Shackelton is a solitary shoemaker whose mastery in the dressmaking of shoes makes him have clients of all the origins, including Leo Snake Mardigan, the most dangerous outlaw of the whole state that has escaped of the jail after 15 years shut up. An order to life or death.

Un encargo a vida o muerte. Through a personal ad in a daily paper he meets Gwendolyne, a fragile and eccentric girl in a never-ending search for her true love. While she hopes that someone comes to gather her, Paula finds a briefcase. To open it and satisfy her curiosity will change the destiny of the histories there locked up, or maybe not. As in previous series 2,12most patients presented symptoms associated with seroconversion. Bleak night at the arnedo gay dating. Un hombre y arnedo gay dating mujer quedan tras 25 años sin verse. Leo no posee ninguna respuesta.

Andrés, un joven periodista de guerra, investiga la aplicación de la tortura en los conflictos. When Daría gets to school, late, as usual, the doors are already closed. Due to the great pressure received, the Godfathers decide to move the market to places difficultly reachable for the Police.

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Delete message. There are some guys in the apps "Grindr" and "Wapo", but there are a few of them. Edad 47 años. Mientras espera a que alguien venga a recogerla, Paula encuentra un maletín.

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While she stays home to translate Japanese texts, he goes out to work. When Paz is left on her own, she is under the impression that the flat wants to expel her from its walls and keep Nacho for itself. Paz decides to fight the flat back, but she will also have to confront Nacho, who has fallen in love with the house.. Ella es traductora de japonés, el trabaja fuera de casa.

Cuando Paz se queda sola suceden cosas, ella tiene la impresión de que la casa quiere expulsarla de allí y quedarse con Nacho. Al otro lado de la ventana, alguien le observa She starts working at a tavern for food and a bed. Empieza a trabajar en una taberna a cambio de techo y comida. They are surrounded by some misterious entities with childish appearance. Isabel knows who they are and what they want. Isabel sabe quiénes son y qué quieren. Working day. The paths of a Cuban athlete, a woman driving, and animmigrant selling disposable tissues, meet at a traffic light.

Something unexpected happens that unmasks the witnesses prejudices. Día laborable.

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  7. How to accept oblivion, when it keeps us away from everything that we thought of our own.