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Juan Pablo was in 25 chapters, which were vital in his career and status as a celebrity. I like all genres and make any kind of characters, but TV has a reputation for being badly written, so making a character that stands out becomes a very complex job. But when you have the opportunity to work in series like this, when it is much more natural and you see yourself much more reflected, you do not want to let it go and you want it to continue and follow that path.

Little did we know two weeks ago — underestimating the power of the internet, that his Diego Olvera can take over. Or Juan Pablo knew it?

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If that does not resonate in what it means to be gay trying to have a stable relationship, I do not know what else does — and in the voice of Juan Pablo Medina resonates deeper because his character is supposed to know more about life than the other. And what does Juan Pablo Medina know more about life that has given him the work he can share with the class? Alejandro Peregrina Escribo de moda y entrevisto gente. Soy la Liz Lemon….

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