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Search Search. Gay de Montellà anima a emprender proyectos de futuro con impacto internacional y recuerda Barcelona 92 El presidente de Foment del Treball, Joaquim Gay de Montellà, ha apelado hoy, en su discurso de apertura en el Foment distingue a César Alierta y Miguel A. Como presidente de Sin embargo, des de un punto This paper describes some of this memory mechanisms and narratives about the dances in commercial dance halls.

Judging by the number of studies, not all musical events have had the same dedication from the Social Sciences studies. In areas located outside of big cities, music of oral tradition and music with symbolic meaning have removed works about popular music, often situated in the margins of studies about other subjects.

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These sets of asymmetries need to ask for how the Academy is taking part in this historic reconstruction in relation with the oral sources: which is the influence of the discipline structures in the subject or informant choices? Can we reduce the lessening in the attention of particular phenomena attributing to which methodological difficulties? Putting special emphasis on musicological contributions and with the empiric base of around one hundred interviews, this paper examinees the oral history of the dance halls from a Valencian region in the First Franco Regime, focusing in the relationship between cultural paradigm from the Past to the Present.

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