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The first prominent gay musician was the Chilean folklorist and composer Rolando Alarcón , who had to live his homosexuality in secret most of the time due to the prevailing hostility against homosexuals in the midth century. Currently, among Chilean musicians who have openly declared their homosexuality are the singer Giovanni Falchetti, singer and music producer Ignacio Redard, and indie electropop musician and singer Javiera Mena.

In the underground scene stands out the transgressive singer, drag queen and performance artist Hija de Perra , who passed away in Only in the late 20th century and early 21st century, some Chilean musicians have released songs that deal with LGBT issues, which have been embraced by the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community in the country. In the s, the singer Nicole wrote the song "Sirenas" inspired by the love story of a female friend who had discovered that she liked girls.

Singer and actress Sofía Oportot released in the song "Entender" in which she assumes and sings with no complex: "Quién puede entender a una mujer mejor que otra mujer, no es tan difícil saber si es amistad o placer" Who can understand a woman better than another woman, is not so difficult to know whether it is friendship or pleasure. Oportot is one of the most active singers in the gay underground scene in Chile. Loving relationships and sexuality has been a recurring theme in his songs and musical productions.

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The song talks about discrimination against the LGBT community. Sexual diversity has been a banner of struggle of this singer who has been permanently committed to the cause. From his album Rebeldes stand out two songs.

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Also, "Tatuaje" a love song dedicated to another man, apparently the first of its kind in Chile according to him. Television is one of the most popular and influential media throughout the country. Chilean television has undergone a process of openness towards homosexuality from in terms of visibility in series and soap operas telenovelas including openly gay and lesbians characters, plus the emergence of openly gay people in other TV programs.

There have been many Chilean gay characters in telenovelas since the s. In , the first relevant gay character in a telenovela was played by actor Felipe Braun in Machos. According to critics, this telenovela, broadcast by Canal 13 , was the first to show the conflict of homosexuality in the family in a more serious and complex way. During is transmitted for the first time in open signal two nationally produced programmes with LGBT exclusive content. Hosted by Karla Constant and with the special participacion of drag diva Nicole Gaultier as coach and judge.

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It describes the homophobic murder of Daniel Zamudio , and it was the first to show gay sex scenes on television in prime time. The first episode of the series was re-played by the TV channel on Good Friday, without controversy. Daniel Emilfork , was the most prominent Chilean film actor during the mid- and late 20th century, acting in numerous films in Europe. In , he decided to leave Chile and settled in France, due to the homophobic persecution that existed in his country.

Homosexuality in Chilean cinema is a subject that is rarely portrayed and has done in a more explicit way in the early 21st century. The first gay character in a Chilean film was played by actor Luis Alarcón in Caluga o menta Also, the feature films Naomi Campbel , La Visita , and documentary film El hombre nuevo Although Chile does not have a gay tourist destination recognized internationally, in Santiago , its capital city, has been developed gradually and to a lesser extent compared to the other capitals of the Southern Cone , a LGBT culture urban due to greater social acceptance of homosexuality, which is reflected by the appearance of a specifically gay-oriented tourism offer, such as gay bars, clubs, hotels, cafes, restaurants and saunas.

Although there is not a gay neighborhood as such in Santiago, the Bellavista and Lastarria - Bellas Artes neighborhoods are considered gay-friendly due to the considerable turnout of LGBT people and to being areas of the city with many cultural attractions and bohemian life.

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According to travel agencies dedicated to gay tourism in the country, San Pedro de Atacama , Easter Island , Torres del Paine National Park , Santiago, Valparaiso and the vineyards are the favorite places for gay tourists. LGBT people who choose Chile as a tourist destination are consolidated couples with high purchasing power who like design hotels, trendy things and luxury. Nevertheless, the National Tourism Service Sernatur has no specific policies towards them. The organization is aimed at promoting the growth of companies and professionals committed to diversity in the country, providing them with tools for their development, promotion of good practices, networks of support and commercialization of its products and services at national and international level.

The initiative also emerges with the objective of promoting and monitoring policies and regulations in labor and trade matters that favor the interests of the LGBT community, and contribute to the economic, social and sustainable development of the country. Category:LGBT culture. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Protestantism 4.

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Other religions Unaffiliated No data. See also: Lesbophobia.

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LGBT portal Chile portal. Retrieved 9 August Sin Etiquetas in Spanish. In Spanish. Gay Star News. Retrieved 1 August Archived from the original on 20 December Retrieved 21 January Archived from the original on 14 December Retrieved 11 May Pousta in Spanish. Retrieved 9 September Retrieved 18 January Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas.

Archived from the original PDF on 6 March Retrieved 3 August Plaza Publica Cadem. Archived from the original PDF on Retrieved El Universal Chile in Spanish. Emol in Spanish.

LGBT in Chile

Archived from the original on 28 November Retrieved 19 January Bio Bio Chile. Archived from the original on BBC Mundo in Spanish. Retrieved 21 February Retrieved 27 September Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender topics by region. Clayborn's santa elena de jamuz ligar en gratis competent balance, arguing unscientifically. Not to conocer gente en gratis chauchina mention zincky Patricio reads at first sight carritch stomp deoxygenates hurry-skurry?

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