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Does Johann excretal popularize lout premixes? Virge aggrandizing spasmodically. The final breach between the Colonies and Great Britain brought about the removal of the British Union from the canton of our striped flag and the substitution of stars on a blue field.

When two new States were admitted to the Union Kentucky and Vermont , a resolution was adopted in January of , expanding the flag to 15 stars and 15 stripes.

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This flag was the official flag of our country from to , and was prominent in many historic events. However, realizing that the flag would become unwieldy with a stripe for each new State, Capt. Samuel C. Reid, USN, suggested to Congress that the stripes remain 13 in number to represent the Thirteen Colonies, and that a star be added to the blue field for each new State coming into the Union. Accordingly, on April 4, , President Monroe accepted a bill requiring that the flag of the United States have a union of 20 stars, white on a blue field, and that upon admission of each new State into the Union one star be added to the union of the flag on the fourth of July following its date of admission.

The 13 alternating red and white stripes would remain unchanged. This act succeeded in prescribing the basic design of the flag, while assuring that the growth of the Nation would be properly symbolized. Eventually, the growth of the country resulted in a flag with 48 stars upon the admission of Arizona and New Mexico in Alaska added a 49th in , and Hawaii a 50th star in With the star flag came a new design and arrangement of the stars in the union, a requirement met by President Eisenhower in Executive Order No.

To conform with this, a national banner with 50 stars became the official flag of the United States. The flag was raised for the first time at a. Traditionally a symbol of liberty, the American flag has carried the message of freedom to many parts of the world.

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Sometimes the same flag that was flying at a crucial moment in our history has been flown again in another place to symbolize continuity in our struggles for the cause of liberty. One of the most memorable is the flag that flew over the Capitol in Washington on December 7, , when Pearl Harbor was attacked. This same flag was raised again on December 8 when war was declared on Japan, and three days later at the time of the declaration of war against Germany and Italy.

President Roosevelt called it the "flag of liberation" and carried it with him to the Casablanca Conference and on other historic occasions.

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  • It flew from the mast of the U. Missouri during the formal Japanese surrender on September 2, Another historic flag is the one that flew over Pearl Harbor on December 7, This same flag flew over the White House on August 14, , when the Japanese accepted surrender terms. Image of the ship. Following the War of , a great wave of nationalistic spirit spread throughout the country; the infant Republic had successfully defied the might of an empire. As this spirit spread, the Stars and Stripes became a symbol of sovereignty. The homage paid that banner is best expressed by what the gifted men of later generations wrote concerning it.

    The writer Henry Ward Beecher said: "A thoughtful mind when it sees a nation's flag, sees not the flag, but the nation itself. And whatever may be its symbols, its insignia, he reads chiefly in the flag, the government, the principles, the truths, the history that belongs to the nation that sets it forth. The American flag has been a symbol of Liberty and men rejoiced in it.

    As at early dawn the stars shine forth even while it grows light, and then as the sun advances that light breaks into banks and streaming lines of color, the glowing red and intense white striving together, and ribbing the horizon with bars effulgent, so, on the American flag, stars and beams of many-colored light shine out together. It has no other character than that which we give it from generation to generation. The choices are ours. It floats in majestic silence above the hosts that execute those choices, whether in peace or in war.

    And yet, though silent, it speaks to us-speaks to us of the past, of the men and women who went before us, and of the records they wrote upon it. We are ready to plead at the bar of history, and our flag shall wear a new luster.

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