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Catholicism has been present in the Iberian Peninsula since Roman times. According to the Spanish Center for Sociological Research, This same study shows that of the Spaniards who identify themselves as religious, Although a majority of Spaniards self-identify as Catholics, many younger generations ignore the Church's moral doctrines on issues such as pre-marital sex , sexual orientation , marriage or contraception.

October CIS survey [1]. While Catholicism is still the largest religion in Spain, most Spaniards—and especially the younger—choose not to follow the Catholic teachings in morals, politics or sexuality, and do not attend Mass regularly. Culture wars in Spain are far more related to politics than religion, and the huge unpopularity of typically religion-related issues like creationism prevent them from being used in such conflicts.

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Revivalist efforts by the Catholic Church and other creeds have not had any significant success out of their previous sphere of influence. However, when the Popular Party came into power in , the law was not revoked or modified. Changes to the divorce laws to make the process quicker and to eliminate the need for a guilty party have also been popular. Abortion , contraception and emergency contraception are legal and readily available on par with Western European standards. Spain is not a traditionally Orthodox country, as after the Great Schism of the Spanish Christians at that time controlling the northern half of the Iberian Peninsula remained in the Catholic sphere of influence.

The number of Orthodox adherents in the country began to increase in the early s, when Spain experienced an influx of migrant workers from Eastern Europe. The dominant nationality among Spanish Orthodox adherents is Romanian as many as 0. Spain has been seen as a graveyard for foreign missionaries meaning lack of success among Evangelical Protestants.

Irreligion in Spain is a phenomenon that exists at least since the 17th century.

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During the Spanish civil war irreligious people were repressed by the Francoist side , while religion was largely abolished among the republicans. During the Francoist dictatorship period irreligion was not tolerated, following the national-catholic ideology of the regime. Irreligious people could not be public workers or express their thoughts openly. After the Spanish democratic transition , restrictions on irreligion were lifted. However, some expressions of popular religiosity still thrive, often linked to Christian festivals and local patron saints. The continuing success of these festivals is the result of a mix of religious, cultural, social and economic factors including sincere devotion, local or family traditions, non-religious fiesta and partying , perceived beauty, cultural significance, territorial identity, meeting friends and relatives, increased sales and a massive influx of tourists to the largest ones.

The Pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela is not so popular among Spaniards but it attracts many visitors. Most if not all cities and towns celebrate a patron saint's festival, no matter how small or known, which often includes processions , Mass and the like but whose actual religious following is variable and sometimes merely nominal. Another trend among Spanish believers is syncretism , often defined as religión a la carta.

The recent waves of immigration , especially during and after the s, have led to an increasing number of Muslims and Protestants.

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Nowadays, Islam is the second largest religion, but far behind Roman Catholicism and irreligion. Almost , of them had Spanish nationality. Jews in Spain account for less than 0. Hinduism first arrived in Spain by Sindhi immigrants through British colony of Gibraltar in the early 20th century [42].

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There are also small communities of Hindus from Nepal around and Bangladesh around The first Hindu temple in Ceuta city was completed in Buddhism didn't arrive in Spain until the late 20th century. According to an estimation from , there are around 90, followers of Buddhism in Spain and a total number of around , adherents if sympathizers are included.

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Paganism draws a minority in Spain. Sorginkoba Elkartea is a Basque Neopagan organisation active in the Basque countries. Taoism has a presence in Spain, especially in Catalonia. The association has planned to expand the Temple of Purity and Silence as a traditional Chinese Taoist templar complex, the first Taoist temple of this kind in Europe. A further Taoist temple was opened in by the Chinese community of Barcelona , led by Taoist priest Liu Zemin, a 21st-generation descendant of poet, soldier and prophet Liu Bo Wen The temple, located in the district of Sant Martí and inaugurated with the presence of the People's Republic of China consul Qu Chengwu, enshrines 28 deities of the province of China where most of the Chinese in Barcelona come from.

A poll by the Obradoiro de Socioloxia [52] yielded the following results: [53]. Large studies carried out by the Center for Sociological Research Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas in September-October and September-October discovered information relating to the rates of religious self-identification across Spain's various autonomous communities. A study carried out by the same institution in October showed that the percentage of Catholics has decreased overall, from Spain , it has been observed, is a nation-state born out of religious struggle mainly between Catholicism and Islam , but also against Judaism and, to a lesser extent, Protestantism.

The Reconquista against Al Andalus ending in , the establishment of the Spanish Inquisition and the expulsion of Jews were highly relevant in the union of Castile and Aragon under the Catholic Monarchs Isabel and Fernando , followed by the persecution and eventual expulsion of the Moriscos in The Counter-Reformation — was especially strong in Spain and the Inquisition was not definitively abolished until , thus keeping Islam, Judaism, Protestantism and parts of the Enlightenment at bay for most of its history.

Before Christianity, there were multiple beliefs in the Iberian Peninsula including local Iberian , Celtiberian and Celtic religions, as well as the Greco - Roman religion. According to a medieval legend , the apostle James was the first to spread Christianity in the Roman Iberian Peninsula. There is no factual evidence of this [ citation needed ] but he later became the patron saint of Spaniards and Portuguese, originating the Way of St James. According to Romans 15 , Paul the Apostle also intended to visit Hispania; tradition has that he did and founded the Diocese of Écija , but there is no evidence of this either.

There is some archaeological evidence of Christianity slowly penetrating the Peninsula from Rome and Roman Mauretania via major cities and ports, especially Tarragona , since the early 2nd century. The Paleo-Christian Necropolis of Tarragona , with 2, discovered tombs, dates back to the second half of the 3rd century. Saints like Eulalia of Mérida or Barcelona and many others are believed to have been martyred during the Decian or Diocletianic Persecutions 3rd —early 4th centuries.

Bishops like Basílides of Astorga , Marcial of Mérida or the influential Hosius of Corduba were active in the same period. Theodosius I issued decrees that effectively made Nicene Christianity the official state church of the Roman Empire. As Rome declined, Germanic tribes invaded most of the lands of the former empire.

In the years following the Visigoths —who had converted to Arian Christianity around —occupied what is now Spain and Portugal. The Visigothic Kingdom established its capital in Toledo ; it reached its high point during the reign of Leovigild Visigothic rule led to a brief expansion of Arianism in Spain, however the native population remained staunchly Catholic. The Council of Lerida in constrained the clergy and extended the power of law over them under the blessings of Rome.

The multiple Councils of Toledo definitively established what would be later known as the Catholic Church in Spain and contributed to define Catholicism elsewhere. By the early 8th century, the Visigothic kingdom had fragmented and the fragments were in disarray, bankrupt and willing to accept external help to fight each other. Tariq's commander, Musa bin Nusair , then landed with substantial reinforcements. Taking advantage of the Visigoths' infighting, by the Muslims dominated most of the peninsula, establishing Islamic rule until During this period the number of Muslims increased greatly through the migration of Arabs and Berbers, and the conversion of local Christians to Islam known as Muladis or Muwalladun with the latter forming the majority of the Islamic-ruled area by the end of the 10th century.

Most Christians who remained adopted Arabic culture, and these Arabized Christians became known as Mozarabs. While under the status of dhimmis the Christian and Jewish subjects had to pay higher taxes than Muslims and could not hold positions of power over Muslims. The era of Muslim rule before is often considered a "Golden Age" for the Jews as Jewish intellectual and spiritual life flourished in Spain.

Here they established the great pilgrimage centre of Santiago de Compostela. In , when the Almohads took control of Muslim Andalusian territories, they reversed the earlier tolerant attitude and treated Christians harshly. Faced with the choice of death, conversion, or emigration, many Jews and Christians emigrated. Christianity and the Catholic Church helped shape the re-establishment of European rule over Iberia. Granada , the last Muslim redoubt, was eventually reconquered on January 2, , years after Tariq's first landing.

Spain carried Catholicism to the New World and to the Philippines, but the Spanish kings insisted on independence from papal "interference"—bishops in the Spanish domains were forbidden to report to the Pope except through the Spanish crown. In the 18th century, Spanish rulers drew further from the papacy, banishing the Jesuits from their empire in The Spanish authorities abolished the Inquisition in the s, but even after that, religious freedom was denied in practice, if not in theory. This pact was renounced in , when the secular constitution of the Second Spanish Republic imposed a series of anticlerical measures that threatened the Church's hegemony in Spain, provoking the Church's support for the Francisco Franco uprising five years later.

Over four thousand were diocesan priests, as well as 13 bishops, and 2, male regulars or religious priests. On 9 December , the Spanish Constitution of established a secular state and freedom of religion in the Second Spanish Republic. It would remain in effect until 1 April The advent of the Franco regime saw the restoration of the church's privileges under a totalitarian system known as National Catholicism. During the Franco years, Roman Catholicism was the only religion to have legal status; other worship services could not be advertised, and no other religion could own property or publish books.

The Government not only continued to pay priests' salaries and to subsidize the Church, it also assisted in the reconstruction of church buildings damaged by the war. Laws were passed abolishing divorce and civil marriages as well as banning abortion and the sale of contraceptives. Homosexuality and all other forms of sexual permissiveness were also banned. Catholic religious instruction was mandatory, even in public schools.

Franco secured in return the right to name Roman Catholic bishops in Spain, as well as veto power over appointments of clergy down to the parish priest level. In this close cooperation was formalized in a new Concordat with the Vatican that granted the church an extraordinary set of privileges: mandatory canonical marriages for all Catholics; exemption from government taxation; subsidies for new building construction; censorship of materials the Church deemed offensive; the right to establish universities, to operate radio stations, and to publish newspapers and magazines; protection from police intrusion into church properties; and exemption of military service.

The proclamation of the Second Vatican Council in favor of religious freedom in provided more rights to other religious denominations in Spain. In the late s, the Vatican attempted to reform the Church in Spain by appointing interim, or acting, bishops, thereby circumventing Franco's stranglehold on the country's clergy. Many young priests, under foreign influence, became worker priests and participated in anti-regime agitation. Many of them ended as leftist politicians, with some imprisoned in the Concordat prison reserved for priest prisoners. In , the Franco regime passed a law that freed other religions from many of the earlier restrictions, but the law also reaffirmed the privileges of the Catholic Church.

Any attempt to revise the Concordat met Franco's rigid resistance. In , however, King Juan Carlos de Borbon unilaterally renounced the right to name the bishops; later that year, Madrid and the Vatican signed a new accord that restored to the church its right to name bishops, and the Church agreed to a revised Concordat that entailed a gradual financial separation of church and state.

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Church property not used for religious purposes was henceforth to be subject to taxation, and over a period of years the Church's reliance on state subsidies was to be gradually reduced. It took the new Spanish Constitution to confirm the right of Spaniards to religious freedom and to begin the process of disestablishing Catholicism as the state religion.

The drafters of the Constitution tried to deal with the intense controversy surrounding state support of the Church, but they were not entirely successful. The initial draft of the Constitution did not even mention the Church, which was included almost as an afterthought and only after intense pressure from the church's leadership.